Author Archives: maisnon


In the past years I’ve been to Rotterdam many times, but I always avoided the center and main sights. Even on a cold winter day, Rotterdam surprised me with a cool vibe. I’ll be back!

Containers in Rotterdam harbour

Czech Republic

I’ve been in Czech Republic quite often in the last few years. The beautiful cities, towns and nature of Czech Republic never stop to amaze me. Here is a very small selection of pictures.




Last summer we had a nice road-trip trough Spain. Taps, great architecture, beaches, sun. What’s not to like? Siestas… !

spanish mansion


Italy, one of my favorite countries in Europe. Great food, great weather and great sights for pictures.

fiat 500


In 2010 I’ve traveled trough Japan. Here are is a small selection of my pictures!


The Netherlands

Home sweet home! Sometimes I forget that we have quite beautiful sights in our flat little country. Here are some pictures to prove it. tram windmill arnhem

First post!

Yay, a new year and a new website! First of all, I wish you all a happy 2013! I will mostly use this blog for posting pictures, but I might post some other articles every now and then. This website is mostly a playground for myself. However, I hope you will enjoy it too! 😉

Some good karma: Decision Intelligence can be improves by the decision making courses of SENSE.